Monday, October 24, 2011

Class reflection Oct. 21 & 22 Guest Speakers

EAD 269 Reflection                  
Guest Speakers: R. Row, Dr. Hauser, and K. Torosian                                                                                 
I wasn’t too excited about sitting in class on a Friday and Saturday but class was engaging with lots of useful information we will need as future leaders. 
Roberta Rowe from Lozano Smith Attorneys at Law, talked about some very important topics.   Various topics such as sexual harassment prevention, student discipline, bullying, and use of technology, student custody and gender / sexual orientation occur on our campus require administration to make the proper decisions when dealing with these issues on campus.   It’s important to remember that we must have probable cause when searching a student and document EVERYTHING.   I’ll take her advice if I’m unsure about a situation, “It’s always best to call the supervisor or resource officer and get advice on what to do”.   We also had the opportunity to review personal management.   Lesson learned……DO NOT hire weak or mediocre teachers because it is VERY difficult to fire a permanent teacher!!  Document, Document, Document and place in the teachers personal file to build a case against the teacher. 
We also had the opportunity to gain insights and strategies for creating effective meetings with Dr. Hauser.  Some of the key points I walked away with were; Leaders are NOT responsible of for doing all the talking, and PDSA (plan, do, study, act).    You know a meeting is effective when achieving results! 
Kevin Torosian talked about discipline that we may be faced with in our schools and the importance of understanding the Education Code Violations- 48900’s.    Some key points I walked away with were 1. Only a principal can request expulsion,   2. Write the letter with only facts, not opinions, 3. Do Not rely on hearsay only, 4. Do not rely on admissions and 5.  Look at each student individually (do not hide behind zero tolerance). 


  1. It does sound like a lot of the work the admin do revolves around paperwork and gathering evidence. Documentation on everything helps build your case to ensure that you make your case. One of the best things I took away from this session was knowing what types of things to use as evidence when documenting and staying away from opinion. Stick to the facts!

  2. Great summary and key points! Great info!

  3. Good review of a lot of information for a weekend.


  4. We gainEd quite a bit of knowledge in a short amount of time! I agree that documentation is important in student discipline as well as personnel issues.
    I agree that it was good to hear that we do. Ot have to do all the talking in running meetings. In fact I think they are more productive when the responsibility is shared!
