Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ch. 1 Communication Reflection

I totally agree good communication is a key leadership connector.  Without communication all other connectors have no chance to flourish.   Communication includes oral, written, and nonverbal.  As a leader, it is important to be consistent across all channels of communication such as spoken words, written words, and actions.  A leader will lose reliability if his words say one thing but his actions say the opposite.   It is also important for leaders to choose their words wisely and “Frame It”.  By choosing our words or language allows us to adjust the spin on a situation.  It important to remember, it’s HOW you say it.  We can change a situation into a positive outcome; transmit hope, despair, or opportunity.  Another important issue to consider is if writing isn’t your strongest area then proofread is extremely important.  Especially, when sending written messages to parents, community, or staff.  You wouldn’t want to be the dumb principal who can’t spell or write.   I totally agree a strong leader can’t be effective without good communication and many school issues would be solved among staff if there were better communication and teachers felt appreciated and valued. 


  1. I totally agree with Irene! As a leader communication is super important. Employees need to feel appreciated and valued. And the easiest way to do this is to spend time with your staff. Be visable by visiting classrooms, the cafeteria, and the counseling office too. Staff members will notice the leaders interest in them and it will make them want to work even harder!

  2. I agree! Spending time with staff, students and their families is extremely important! And Irene we certainly can instill hope and provide much needed encouragement to our colleagues, students, and the many we come in contact with each day- what an awesome opportunity and responsibility we have!

  3. Proofreading is definitely something I need to do in triplicate because my writing is not the strongest. Sometimes I cringe about writing emails to the whole staff in fear of the editorial police (AKA English Teachers) and what they'll have to say. As leaders we need to maintain our professional status by checking outgoing communications for any errors.
