Thursday, September 22, 2011

Leadership Connector, Safety

When reflecting upon leadership connector “Safety,” it’s important because we all need to feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically safe at school, home, or workplace.   Only when we feel safe and comfortable we can then shift our energy form basic survival needs to complex thinking and reflecting.  If teachers’ are constantly getting belittled by administration in front of the entire staff for their ideas then emotionally they will learn it’s not “safe” to voice an idea or opinion.  It’s also very important to make sure our students feel school is a “Safe” place to learn and use their energy on learning rather than avoiding the school “bully”.  In education, we must be vigilant, caring, and helping everyone have a sense of belonging (staff and students).  The schools must work hard to make sure community, staff, and students understand school is a “Safe” place to learn.    I also found it interesting how “Bullies” are more than the mean kid on the playground.  Bullies can be anyone-your superior, you, or those you supervise.    Irene :)


  1. I totally agree, schools should be the safest place! Unfortunately, students are bullied every day and sometimes adults witness it and do nothing. Our Be the Change club is challenges each other to take a stand and not look the other way!! I'm changing too, I have to be a role model for my students!!!

  2. I agree about teachers needing to feel like they can voice their opinions without constantly being shot down or criticized. My district has a new Superintendent and she just had a meet the teacher day last Thursday. We gave her our ideas and while she may not have thought all of them were great she listened to all our concerns and thanked us for sharing our concerns. It made me feel important :D

  3. Safety at school, takes on many meanings-physical safety, emotional and social safety (from bullying), and even what might be called educational safety ( chance at the best education possible and not having it messed with by outside factors and people around us). Teachers, students, parents, and administrators deserve to feel safe, respected and valued.
