Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Ch. 2 Support

Everyone wants a happy and productive work environment but it’s very difficult to achieve without communication or administration support.  It is important to remember support comes in many shapes and forms such as financial $$$$, material, physical, emotional, human and moral.  It is important for administration to show support for their teachers because it shows they care and value their staff (I’m not talking $$$ but it would be nice to get an extra bonus for my hard work J).  Support can be buying needed materials for a science lab for students to be successful in a class or giving a teacher a “congratulations” for working hard with their students.  Teachers sometimes feel underappreciated and little support from administration can make a big impact on teachers’ success.    As a future administrator, there are several things I need to remember to help my staff feel supported.  One thing I can do is investigate and make a list of needs at the school site to help make teachers and students more successful.  Secondly, a big one………TALK to teachers and visit classrooms and let teachers know you are there to support them in becoming a better instructor.  Thirdly, make teachers feel they are valued and cared for by acknowledging their hard work and success with student achievement. 


  1. Great comments here! I agree that one of the most important forms of support for teachers is emotional recognition. Teachers are not just cattle that you can bark orders at and expect productive results. Teachers need to feel they are valued and that they offer important contributions to the school as a whole community. Even though $$$ is necessary to get a school running teachers are aware of the budget issues the state faces and therefore the cuts that must take place so lacking finaniccal support is expected to an extent.

  2. I totally agree, support is defined many different ways. Therefore, a great leader gets to know their staff needs individually. Teachers need differentiated support depending how long they have been teaching. Beginning teachers need more support and coaching than a veteran typically. But we all need to feel valued and supported. I wish we could communicate this fundamental need to our current leaders!

  3. It is important for teachers to be valued! Don't we all just want a "you're doing a great job!" once in awhile!? I agree that this is very important to keep in mind as we enter administration! I think it will be an adventure to find unique ways to encourage and support the staffs we serve!

  4. Yes, I agree with all. Support is that totally sincere gesture or words that make someone feel valued. I think we forget, as Leandra mentioned, that ALL of us need to feel supported.

    Great comments!

