What an adventure the administrative cohort has been! I have learned a lot and enjoyed real life activities that help prepare me as a future leader. I understand there is still a lot for me to learn and the only way I'll learn is by getting more involved in administrative positions. I can’t lie, I was a little nervous going into the culminating interview simulation because my current reality is Physical Education and many of the other teachers have more classrooms and curriculum experiences that me. I had the opportunity to interview with Corcoran principals and they gave me so very helpful information for me to think about. Yes, I teach PE but I have also taught in the classroom health and Academic Core, worked with discipline SRC, SAP coordinator, and coach. I need to use my experience as my focus and present myself as a leader not as a PE teacher/coach. I almost wish we could have had multiple interview simulations and get advice from different administrators and hear what they are looking for or what they liked. I really enjoyed EAD 269 and the wonderful instructors who taught me to use my strengths as a future leader. Wishing everyone the best and hope to see you in the education world!
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Sunday, December 4, 2011
Blog 12
Just finished my capestone paper and a big weight has been lifted! It was real eye opener to view our school site plan current data then fast-forward five years as desired future goals. It would be interesting to see if anyone from same school site have simular goals in five years. Sorry if I miss spell any words but I'm posting from my iphone. Reflecting back on all the assignments we had to complete were extreamly helpful in preparing us for future leaders. Especially completing the budget, FRISK letter, and displine assignments. I didn't mind posting my blogs but had the most difficult time posting a comment on other peoples blogs. The strange part is I couldn't comment on peoples blogs with my school laptop but I was able to comment using my iPhone. Did anyone else have a difficult time posting comment on other peoples blogs? During the practicum I completely missed the entire scenario! I must be blind. When I opened the site I was focused on "Here is your assignment". Which made absolutely NO sense! I didn't scroll up and started typing because I was on the clock. Glad it's over.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Blog 11: Budget/Funding ASI
Blog 11:
It was interesting completing the assignment on Alta Sierra Intermediates Budget/Funding Inventory. Katie Scalzo is in charge of ASI budget and admits that it sometimes keeps her awake at night. Being in charge of schools budget /funding is a big responsibility especially with all the budget cuts schools are currently facing
ASI funding is broken into five categories; 1. Title III (Federal) $570 to help increase English Learning achieve State standards and improve CST scores and CELDT test. 2. Title III Language (Federal) $5,573 is to help English Learners with assistance of Bilingual Aids and supplies to help increase CST scores and CELDT. 3. Economic Impact Aid (State) $94,725 is used to help with after school interventions, push-in teachers, etc. to help students learn State Standards and increase CST scores. 4. State Flex Money $ 35, 100 gives the school more flexibility on where and how to spend the money. Such as stipends, campus monitors, science fair, Olympiad, or Robotics directors. 5. Student body Foundation is money the school raises through magazine sells, cookie dough, fund raisers, etc. and the money is used to benefit students at ASI in various activities throughout the school year.
Before spending money from a specific fund, the ASI administration team must meets and discusses the school needs. After discussing the schools needs and specific amount to be spent, Katie Scalzo then completes budget forms on Doc-u-share. The school site council must then approve needs and budget spending. Once it’s approved then ASI get to implement the new budget needs!
I sometimes feel teachers are so out of the loop with budget spending and wonder where the money is going and how it’s being spent. Dr. Bradleys presentation helped put all things into perspective and I only wish I had a portion of his knowledge!
Monday, November 7, 2011
Class Reflection Nov. 5th and 6th
I had so much going on this week that class seemed like a blur. I really enjoyed Friday evening’s class and hearing the three speakers giving us advice as future leaders. I was extremely excited to see Eduardo Martinez. Mr. Martinez was my learning director at Buchanan High School (he has been my favorite L.D) and I very sad to see him leave. Some of the advice given that I will walk away from all three speakers:
· Decision should be student centered
· When dealing with employee discipline make sure it is based on education code. If unsure, always consult your Human Resources and ask for next steps or procedures.
· You are what you hire!
· Make sure you document, document, document!!!
· When hiring with panel, it is important to ask for individual input. DO NOT have them pick as a panel their choice of hire. Remember it falls on the administrator not the panel if it was a “Bad” hire.
Dr. Terry Bradley is extremely knowledgeable and gave us a LOT of information on site based management-finances. I just hope that when I go into leadership that I’m not the person in charge of the District’s finances. Finance just isn’t the most exciting thing for me to learn about in administration but I know it’s important. It was interesting how the voters and teachers supported prop 98 thinking it would benefit schools but actually had a negative impact! If the schools taxes decrease then so will money for schools. Our schools must now rely on the economy. We also have to wait to see what happens on Dec. 15th –Budget Act (Trigger) and hope for the best for our schools. Some of the information I found important were:
· Majority Of Operational Revenue Raised Through Property Taxes
· The Revenue Limit Per Student is Adjusted Each Year Based On Statutory Formula (Referred To As The COLA)
· Prop. 13-Passed by the voters, imposed a Maximum Property Tax Rate of 1% of Assessed Value for all Local Governments—Cities, Counties, Special Districts, School Districts
· Prop. 98/111-Provides K-12 Education and Community Colleges with a Constitutionally Protected Portion of the State Budget. Envisioned to be Minimum State Funding for Education—Became Maximum.
· A Budget Is Not A Series Of Numbers. It Is A Reflection Of The Philosophy And Priorities Of A District
· Categorical Budgeting Must Be Closely Monitored
· A School District Can Afford To Do Anything, Just Not Everything
· Student Body Fund- Make sure you do NOT misuse funds and deposit ALL cash into the account. Don’t want to get FIRED!!!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Class reflection Oct. 21 & 22 Guest Speakers
EAD 269 Reflection
Guest Speakers: R. Row, Dr. Hauser, and K. Torosian
I wasn’t too excited about sitting in class on a Friday and Saturday but class was engaging with lots of useful information we will need as future leaders.
Roberta Rowe from Lozano Smith Attorneys at Law, talked about some very important topics. Various topics such as sexual harassment prevention, student discipline, bullying, and use of technology, student custody and gender / sexual orientation occur on our campus require administration to make the proper decisions when dealing with these issues on campus. It’s important to remember that we must have probable cause when searching a student and document EVERYTHING. I’ll take her advice if I’m unsure about a situation, “It’s always best to call the supervisor or resource officer and get advice on what to do”. We also had the opportunity to review personal management. Lesson learned……DO NOT hire weak or mediocre teachers because it is VERY difficult to fire a permanent teacher!! Document, Document, Document and place in the teachers personal file to build a case against the teacher.
We also had the opportunity to gain insights and strategies for creating effective meetings with Dr. Hauser. Some of the key points I walked away with were; Leaders are NOT responsible of for doing all the talking, and PDSA (plan, do, study, act). You know a meeting is effective when achieving results!
Kevin Torosian talked about discipline that we may be faced with in our schools and the importance of understanding the Education Code Violations- 48900’s. Some key points I walked away with were 1. Only a principal can request expulsion, 2. Write the letter with only facts, not opinions, 3. Do Not rely on hearsay only, 4. Do not rely on admissions and 5. Look at each student individually (do not hide behind zero tolerance).
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
CH. 7 Putting it all together
I have to admit, I really enjoyed reading Leadership Connectors: Six Keys to Developing Relationships in Schools. I wish I could say that about all the other books we have to read. Leadership connectors was an easy read, very relevant and put things into perspective the importance in building relationships in schools. This book gave me an opportunity to reflect on the connectors I am currently doing well and those I need to work on. Ch. 7 reading was putting all the leadership connectors together: communication, support, safety, competence, continuous renewal, and trust. I will take the advice in Jeff’s story that his superintendent gave him, “Always remember to think before you speak and act. You don’t have to always say or do something immediately. Give it a little thought, determine consequences and reactions, and then respond proactively.” One day I hope that I too make a positive impact on others as “Jeff” did as a leader. I will take his advice and remember, “Leadership is all about Relationships”. Great book and I really enjoyed reading the stories at the end of each chapter. Now it's time for me to put them all together!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Ch. 6 Trust
I appreciated the statement, “We don’t have to like everyone or agree with everyone, but as leaders, first and foremost, we have to respect everyone.” It is important as leaders we learns to work together and respect others differences. We all come from unique backgrounds with unique ways of perceiving the world but we must learn to listen and be respectful of all individuals.
I found it really interesting how they decided to put “trust” at the end of the book because you need all the other connectors to be present in order for someone to trust you. All the connectors start linking together but break without “trust”. An important aspect of trust is “Honesty”. I have a hard time trusting anything from people who are dishonest! Once a leader lies, people lose trust in them. As future leaders, we must strive to do everything we possibly can to build and sustain trust from our staff. It’s important for all us to remember that trust is the most important part of any relationship; it the most vulnerable and sensitive. With any “Good” relationship, trust takes substantial time, energy, and commitment. Sadly, trust can be destroyed in seconds!
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Ch. 5 Continuous Renewal
Ch. 5 - I am a strong believer of the importance of maintaining continuous renewal. Too often we get too involved with working long hours that we leave little time for our own health and well-being; emotionally, psychologically, and/or physically. Being a leader holds many responsibilities which can be stressful and increase blood pressure, cholesterol, or anxiety. I think it important as a leader to a) pick your battles, b) be in touch with emotions, c) reflect, d) value family & friends, e) find balance, f) attend Professional Development, and g) paying attention to your health. Working full time at ASI, getting my administrative credential, mother -chasing 3 kids who are involved in after school activities, trying to get dinner prepared, house cleaned, and being a loving wife leaves me pretty beat by the end of the day! However, I always find time for my family and running to keep me mentally, emotionally, and physically healthy. When I come home from school/work, I try to leave it behind and spend quality time with my husband and kids.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
I just loved the quote form General John Pershing, “A competent leader can get efficient services from poor troops, while on the contrary an incapable leader can demoralize the best troops.” Wow, that’s a powerful statement but it’s so true. I enjoyed reading Oscar’s story of trying to incorporate technology in the business but never owned a computer of his own. Oscar knew competence isn’t always knowing everything, but being able to 1) listen, observe, reflect, and analyze, 2) Find a reliable, knowledgeable person to teach you what you don’t know, 3) Expect to make mistakes and understand that they clarify the next steps to take, 4) Embrace the changes that could improve performance and increase company success, even if it meant giving up the way he had always done if before, and 5) Take the extra time and do the hard work it would take to develop his skills. People respect leaders more if they admit they don’t have ALL the answers but are willing to look “in to it” or learn by going to different resources. It is important however leaders not to copout by using “I don’t know” and walking away from the sticky situation. Clarify what you need to know and gathering relevant information. Use this information to make sound decisions then taking the appropriate action. Once complete…..move to the next challenge and you will be more prepared to handle it.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Leadership Connector, Safety
When reflecting upon leadership connector “Safety,” it’s important because we all need to feel physically, emotionally, and psychologically safe at school, home, or workplace. Only when we feel safe and comfortable we can then shift our energy form basic survival needs to complex thinking and reflecting. If teachers’ are constantly getting belittled by administration in front of the entire staff for their ideas then emotionally they will learn it’s not “safe” to voice an idea or opinion. It’s also very important to make sure our students feel school is a “Safe” place to learn and use their energy on learning rather than avoiding the school “bully”. In education, we must be vigilant, caring, and helping everyone have a sense of belonging (staff and students). The schools must work hard to make sure community, staff, and students understand school is a “Safe” place to learn. I also found it interesting how “Bullies” are more than the mean kid on the playground. Bullies can be anyone-your superior, you, or those you supervise. Irene :)
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Ch. 2 Support
Everyone wants a happy and productive work environment but it’s very difficult to achieve without communication or administration support. It is important to remember support comes in many shapes and forms such as financial $$$$, material, physical, emotional, human and moral. It is important for administration to show support for their teachers because it shows they care and value their staff (I’m not talking $$$ but it would be nice to get an extra bonus for my hard work J). Support can be buying needed materials for a science lab for students to be successful in a class or giving a teacher a “congratulations” for working hard with their students. Teachers sometimes feel underappreciated and little support from administration can make a big impact on teachers’ success. As a future administrator, there are several things I need to remember to help my staff feel supported. One thing I can do is investigate and make a list of needs at the school site to help make teachers and students more successful. Secondly, a big one………TALK to teachers and visit classrooms and let teachers know you are there to support them in becoming a better instructor. Thirdly, make teachers feel they are valued and cared for by acknowledging their hard work and success with student achievement.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Ch. 1 Communication Reflection
I totally agree good communication is a key leadership connector. Without communication all other connectors have no chance to flourish. Communication includes oral, written, and nonverbal. As a leader, it is important to be consistent across all channels of communication such as spoken words, written words, and actions. A leader will lose reliability if his words say one thing but his actions say the opposite. It is also important for leaders to choose their words wisely and “Frame It”. By choosing our words or language allows us to adjust the spin on a situation. It important to remember, it’s HOW you say it. We can change a situation into a positive outcome; transmit hope, despair, or opportunity. Another important issue to consider is if writing isn’t your strongest area then proofread is extremely important. Especially, when sending written messages to parents, community, or staff. You wouldn’t want to be the dumb principal who can’t spell or write. I totally agree a strong leader can’t be effective without good communication and many school issues would be solved among staff if there were better communication and teachers felt appreciated and valued.
Thursday, September 1, 2011
First day of class-EAD 269
I really enjoyed watching the Daniel Pink video about motivational techniques (the drawings were pretty cool). As a future leader, it is extremely important to know what motivates teachers and staff to produce "best work". I also believe it’s important to be supportive to staff and give them opportunities to think outside of the box and be creative. In education, we need to sometimes change the way we are doing things when students are failing and try new strategies. Why do we keep doing the same thing if it doesn’t work? Allowing staff to collaborate and be innovative in ways that will help ALL students learn. By giving staff an opportunity to brainstorm with peers gives them a sense of worth and purpose and that their ideas are important. Our first face to face class meeting in EAD 269 went well. A little overwhelmed by all the assignments but I'll be fine. I thought is was great to see other individuals from different school districts and we can learn from each other.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Little info about me...... :)
I have been teaching for 13 years in Clovis Unified, Buchanan High School and Alta Sierra Intermediate. I have taught Physical Education, Health, Academic Core, and worked in Student Responsibility Center. I have also coached Cross-Country, Basketball, and Track. I enjoy working with kids because they keep me young at heart. I am currently furthering my education by working on my Administration Credential. During my extra time, I enjoy running, being outdoors, and spending time with my family.
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